Services Underground Utilities Installation & Repair Throughout our years of experience, Utility Contracting has installed thousands of miles of underground utilities in Northeast Ohio and Western Pennsylvania. Our services in this area include:Sanitary sewersStorm sewersWater mainsGas linesWastewater treatment plantsLift/pump stations Horizontal Directional Drilling Go trenchless. Horizontal Directional Drilling is a practical and efficient method of installing a variety of utilities, including waterlines, gas lines, and sanitary sewer laterals, with minimal site and environmental disruption or disturbance. Horizontal Boring Our personnel have extensive experience with the boring process, as well as an understanding of soil conditions and equipment capabilities. Our capabilities allow us to use this method in a variety of settings including road and river crossings. Sitework, Excavation & Grading Retention pondsParking lotsClearing & grubbing